Saturday, August 24, 2013

Make craft from waste plastic can

Make butterfly from waste plastic can 

JUst cut this can into desired shape what do you want.

Just cut out a butterfly shape and let them scribble their colors all over or trace a more anatomically accurate butterfly to color.

Twist the bent end of the pipe cleaner and thread on a couple of the beads to one side to make the butterfly, then put your plastic can wings in between the two bits of pipe cleaner and twist them together to keep the wings.
 Lastly you just need to thread both pipe cleaner ends through the bead that you have chosen for the head and then trim the ends to be the right length for antennae and curl them with your fingers.

Make as many as you like and use the bare length of pipe cleaner on the opposite side of the wings to the beaded body to tie some string and hang your butterflies.


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