Monday, June 24, 2013

schedule for face book users

schedule for using face book:

  • 1 hour per week: Staying in touch with college, Check every other day, spend no more than 15 minutes responding to messages only from college friends.
  • 2 hours, 20 minutes per week: Maintaining a group — Check every morning and evening for 10 minutes each, only to remove any spam or junk. Do not respond to posts, comments or messages during this time.
  • 2 hours per week: Keeping a group interesting — Spend 30 minutes every other day reading all of the comments and responding.
  • 1 hour per week: Finding new friends

Total time to spend on Facebook per week: 6 hours, 20 minutes

How will you limit your Facebook activity

10 way to neglecting face book :-

  1. Pick up a part-time job and save up (or even invest) that money.
  2. Teach your kid (or kid sibling) how to throw a football.
  3. Get fit.
  4. Spend time socializing with people in your real life.
  5. Clean your room.
  6. Volunteer.
  7. Read a book.
  8. Teach yourself a new language.
  9. Make a papasan chair cushion.
  10. Listen to music and make it a routine. 


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